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Watching the news on Tuesday 11th of September 2001
I suddenly thought I had accidentally changed the TV channel and I had replaced the news with a film.
It was several seconds before I realised that I was actually watching a news report from America about the attack on the Twin Towers. A day and date we will never forget.


Nowadays when we gaze at a sun darkened face

We wonder, where from, which land or race


Will it always be there that first moment of fear

Whilst we try to decide does danger lay here


Faces once thought harmless now seem to be

Frightening and ominous to us for you see


When the terrorists struck from a clear blue sky,

They left behind questions, who did this, and why


Twin towers once standing so proud and tall

Lay destroyed and in ruins from huge fire balls


All powerful America was shaken and stunned

With nobody knowing why that deed had been done


Many reasons were offered as a cause for that day

Now the only thing left is for us all to pray


That a God we don't care which one he may be

Combines power with mercy and then hopefully


Never again will we suffer such dreadful sights

Because crazy fanatics need to show off their might

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