All poems on this site are copyright of Beverley Balogh
Leaning on the ships railings gazing out to sea became one of my favourite pastimes on board ship. The vast stretches of ocean fascinated me. I was always intrigued at the way the sea changed colour. Maybe being born a Pisces has something to do with that. Combine this with the fact that I was born and grew up in a city that was once the busiest passenger port in the UK.
Mind you neither of these reasons prevented me from suffering from sea sickness, something that never improved in all my thirty years of cruising.
When I'm on a ship far out at sea
There's no other place that I'd rather be
Watching the water slip gently by
It's changing colour reflecting the sky
Bright emerald green and dark navy blue
Turquoise and slate grey flow beneath you
Sometimes smooth like a mill pond of glass
Then swells of angry white horses rush past
The waves rise and fall with thunderous might
Whilst you gaze for hours with nothing in sight
Then suddenly see a Whale's water spout
Or a pod of Dolphins diving in and out
With that happy looking grin on their face
They swim abreast of the ship as though in a race
If they could talk I am sure they would say
You are welcome humans to join in our play
Come share our seas we have oceans to spare
But we don't want your rubbish left here
Plastic bags, empty bottles oil and grease
Dispose of on land, leave our world in peace
Don't dump them here, to harm creatures like we
Who live simply to swim play and be free.