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Violin Magic.gif

On a cruise ship one night I reluctantly went to the evening's cabaret show and saw a man playing the violin.


What a revelation it was by the end of the evening I was cheering and shouting for more and I thanked my friend for persuading me to try something new.




With his violin tucked under his chin 
He stands poised and ready to begin

His stance sends a message loud and clear

To all of the people gathered here


Listen to me he appears to say

I'll share my music with you today


So we listen and can hardly believe

The magical sounds he can achieve


With his fingers a bow and some strings

He weaves tales of wondrous things


Some soft and sweet like a lover's song

Others fiery and fierce you're just carried along


With a foot stamping gypsy melody

Or the crashing sounds of the surf and the sea


The last note fades to thunderous applause 
With people demanding endless encores


Knowing they've travelled the world to the strains

Of hauntingly magical violin refrains

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